
Saturday, February 21, 2009

We're Leaving

Now we are at the airport in Uruguay. We are departing in 20 minutes. I REALLY miss my parents and my dog Spotty. This airport is so totaly BORING. There's this teeny-tiny KIOSK, and only 3 departure gates (in the whole airport!!).

Friday, February 20, 2009

The Last Few Days

Tommorrow we take the plane back to Chile. I really liked it here, but I really miss my parrents and Spotty, my dog.

A few days ago, we went to a fashion show. It was great!!

Now I'm going to the beach again. I love the WAVES. Well in the afternoon we're going to this ocean museum my brother wants to go to...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

At the Mall

 Yesterday we went to the mall. We ate pasta. I got a new wallet. My grandma got a new sweater. My brother got a new sweater, a new book, and a keychain. Now I'm watching iCarly.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


 Yesterday we went to a really fun water park. We also ate pizza and ice cream. At night we ate McDonald's.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Until Now

 Until now it hasn't been a blast, but we have eaten great food and the sand here is really soft. We got lost in the middle of nowhere and walked about 20 blocks until a bus driver saw us. Well, we also ate some delicious waffles with chocolate sauce.

Friday, February 13, 2009

On the Plane

 We are now on the plane to "Punta del Este". It's a really small plane. The people on the plane are really friendly. I ike that. The hotel we're going to is called "Iberia Hotel".We already gave the hotel phone number to my mom. I really hope we have a good time.
 Here's a lis of all the countries I've been to:
  • USA: Boston,Vermont, Maine, Stowe, New York, Orlando, Miami, etc.
  • Chile: Chillan, Santiago, Vina del Mar, Val Paraiso,etc.
  • Brazil: Natal, Rio de Janeiro, Florianopolis,etc.
  • Uruguay: Punta del Este
  • Argentina: Cordoba, Buenos Aires, Uspayata
Well, I'll tell you more when I get there. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What's Happened

Well, on Saturday I'm going to punta del Este, Uruguay. I'm going with my brother Rafi and my grandparents on my dad's side. I call my grandma "omi" and my grandpa "tata". Their real names are Ruth Adler and Mario Elberg. They always do stuff with us and their house is like our 2nd home. I'm really excited to go to Uruguay. While we're traveling my dad will be in Barcelona, Spain, and my mom will just be relaxing at home.