
Thursday, January 16, 2014


Can you believe it's 2014 already? So many things have happened in my life. I am doing really well in school, although now its summer here so I'm on vacation. I've just returned from a ten day camp (like literally camp; in tents) and I survived wohoo!
In March I start junior year on the math and physics program at my school. I'm really excited, I have a feeling that it's going to be a really fun year, especially because I have a trip to Israel at the end of the year with my class and I wish it were sooner I can't wait.
Also in 2013 I started dating the best guy in the world and we've been together for a little over six months now so I'm very happy because I feel safer now. Like I'm never alone. I'm enjoying life a little more, and I'm so thankful for that. He's the best.
Now in February I'm going with him to Viña del Mar, which I'm excited for but also a little nervous, but I think I'll be fine.
It's funny to think that I started this blog like 5 years ago!! That's a lot. I've been thinking of writing new types of posts like tips or my favorites or stuff like that. If you have any suggestions please do let me know.
What else, let's see...
Today's my dad's birthday. I made him this really cool card. It's green on the outside and has two eyes sticking out. It has pointy teeth on the opening and when you open it it's black with a red tongue, throat and uvula all sticking out, he loved it. I wrote the messsage under the tongue. Really proud of my creation.

Viajando Sola

Este es un artículo que escribí hace un tiempo para una revista que por x motivo nunca llegó a publicarse. La revista estaba recién entrando al mundo de las comunicaciones con lo que no estoy muy segura si ha sobreviviodo en él, y si así lo fuera, qué tan popular ha resultado.
Mi artículo trataba de cómo es para una jóven viajar sola, ya que no lo había hecho tantas veces y me pareció algo que podria ser interesante. Dado que no se publicó en la revista, por lo menos lo colgaré aqui por si alguien quiere leerlo. Es mas facil que lo vean aquí que en mi escritorio, creo yo.

Viajando Sola

Para mi, el viajar sola es tener las responsabilidades del adulto en un viaje cuando no hay nadie mayor que tú para cuidarte. Ayer por la tarde, viajé “sola” por segunda vez, acompañada por mi hermano menor. Juntos tomamos un avión de Santiago, Chile a Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. El viaje es solo de cuatro horas y sin escala, sin embargo un gran peso recae sobre tus hombros a lo largo de todo el camino.

Preparar las maletas y hacer check in es fácil, porque en eso te pueden ayudar tus papás. Hasta ahi vamos bien. Pero ¿Qué pasa cuando te despides de tus padres, y estas con un niño menor, plata y una carpeta llena de documentos bajo tu responsabilidad? Aprendí que lo más importante es relajarse, porque aunque no te hayas dado cuenta antes, tu si te fijas en lo que hacen tus padres cuando viajan contigo.

Entonces, paso uno; entrar a la cola de la policia internacional. Al menos en el aeropuerto de Santiago, esta suele ser uma fila bastante larga. Mi solución para las filas largas de aeropuerto es simple. Yo siempre viajo con mi iPod (mp3 o un celular tambien sirve), y con mi hermano nos turnamos escuchando con audifonos y hacemos mímica de la letra y el otro tiene que adivinar que canción es. Después de un tiempo llegará tu turno. Lo único que tienes que hacer es mostrar tu pasaporte, tu pasaje y en mi caso, por ser menor de edad, una autorización de viaje de mis papas.

Para todos los padres ahí afuera: es normal que en algunos casos, si se quedan saludando y tirando besitos a lo lejos, solo logren que sus hijos se pongan más nerviosos. Ya que estoy en el tema, al menos a mi me pasa mucho que siento que apenas esté lo suficientemente lejos para ser absoluta y completamente inútil si es que a mis padres les llega a pasar algo, algo les va a pasar, y nadie me va a llamar para avisarme porque estoy de viaje y “no quieren que me preocupe”. Esto contribuye a más de un cincuenta por ciento de mi ansiedad al viajar sola. El no poder estar cerca si mis padres llegaran a necesitarme. Porque a pesar de que no soy legalmente un adulto todavía, se que ellos me necesitan al menos como apoyo moral y yo los necesito a ellos y como a ellos les gustaría saber si estoy bien, me gustaría que se tome la misma consideración por mi lado.

En fin, después de salir de la policía solo hay que pasar el Duty Free, buscar en las pantallas la puerta de donde saldrá tu vuelo y sentarse a esperar. No hay prisa, piensa que tienen mucha gente para embarcar así que no hay por qué estresarse. Come algo tranquilamente, anda al baño y después acércate a la puerta, siéntate y lee o escucha música, veras como se pasa rapido el tiempo. El vuelo normalmente es tranquilo y cualquier cosa nunca dudes en preguntar a una azafata. Siempre te ayudaran y tendrán especial cuidado contigo por ser menor, ¡así que aprovecha! Cuando aterrice el avión, sólo hay que mostrar el pasaporte en policía, y salir.

Mi problema la primera vez que viaje sola fue el saber que tenía que estar dos semanas enteras lejos de mi casa, mis papas, mi perro, mis amigos... Creo que fue más psicológico lo que que me angustió tanto la primera vez. Este viaje es de solo una semana asi que me siento mas comoda, ademas confío en que mi hermano vendrá a mi si necesita algo, por lo que no siento que depende de mi por completo, no me siento tan responsable por el. Además se que puedo contactar a mi mama siempre que quiera, y que está más cerca de lo que parece. Solo estoy tratando de divertirme y pasar tiempo con la parte de mi família que no veo tan seguido.

He aprendido muchas cosas con esta experiencia. Me siento una persona independiente, capaz de muchas cosas. Hoy confío en lo que puedo lograr, y con un poco de fe en mi misma y en el mundo que me rodea, este será solo el comienzo.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Settling In

So honestly, this first week back in Chile has seemed like months... it's like I never even left, really.

My brother has a friend who's mom is chief of the Parents Center at school this year, and she asked me if I wanted to help out handing out uniforms this year at school. Of course I said yes, I have to be there tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday at 8:00 AM.
It's funny, because when I was younger when I went to school to get my uniforms, I saw all the big kids helping out. But now I'm the "big kids", still I feel so little. A lot of my friends are going to be there helping out as well. I wonder what it'll feel like, to look down on the little kids this time...

Also, it's the Viña del Mar Festival now so the Jonas Brothers are staying a block from my grandmother's house, where I'm staying. It's surreal, all the fans outside there hotel. To think if those walls were invisible, I'd be able to see them. It's not like I'm one of those fangirls, but it would just be amazing to talk to them for a second. Just hear what they have to say, their way of looking at life.

Oh well, nothing more to say, more during the week.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Probably my Last Post-for now.

I will be moving to Spain on Wednesday, in 6 more days. Since this blog is called "Debbie in Chile", that would be totally incoherent. Thus, being this my current situation, I've created a new blog; Europe:Here I go. It suits my situation at the time.

Hope you enjoy it! Comment ALL you want!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Apartment Viewers of Today

Today 2 "families" have come over to ckeck out the apartment to rent for 2 years while we're gone in Spain.
Family #1:
Young couple in their 30's with a young daughter around 8 years old.
Family #2:
Only a woman came. Early 40's.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Last Friday in Rio

Today is our last Friday in Rio. My mom had a lunch with her friends and she had to take Rafi to the doctor. So, while my dad stayed at home for a bit, I went with my ant Isabela, my uncly Marcio and Pedro to choose Pedro's glasses' frame. Once we did, they dropped me and my ant off at the mall. We went to exchange a pair of sandals that was small on her, we had pasta for lunch, we went to the bookstore and I got Dear Dumb Diary #7 and we also checked out some backpacks for school. We got back to her house at 4 after a cool cup of ice-cream. I read and surfed the net a little in her room and then played some X-Box until we finaly got to vovo's house for a brinner (brekfast/dinner) with a cousin and an aunt of my mother's.
That was our day,
PS: Still missing omi, tata and Spotty like h*ll.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Last Wednesday in Rio

Today is our last Wednesday in rio; we leave on Sunday. Today, me, my mom, dad, Pedro and Rafi spent the day at a water park: Rio Water Planet. It was almost a 2 hour drive there and back 2 more. The organization was terrible because first we had to make a line for tickets, ok, normalty. Then, after we entered the park we had to make a line to put real money in a rechargeable water proof card, because we would be getting wet. ok, thaughtful, but the lady couldn't hear us, and we couldn't hear her, because of the useless glass window in between. Then the lady didn't get that my mom didn't have a CPF (brazilian form of identification) because only residents have that, and as you know, we don't live here. Then we had to line up in the locker room to slide our water proof card so we could line up to get our key to our locker; a line for a line for a locker, more time wasted. Then we finnally had a little freedom in this place so we went to the "Slow River" -it was called. We sat on donut shaped floaties (are they called tubes??) and floated along the river for a little while. Then, when we got out we went on two "tubeless" water slides and then to a waterslide where you went down in two-people-tubes and it was extremely cool. We went down twice in the whole day the first time it was me and my dad and on he other rafi and pedro and my mom waited for us at the bottom and the 2nd time it was me and rafi and my dad with pedro my mom also didn't come, but my mom did go on the slow river. Then we had a pizza, still having to pay with the card and a few sodas, and then we went in the river again to see if we could find anything else to eat. We ended up going to the wave-pool but I got really dizzy, so we didn't stay long. After the pool we went to a burger stand but the burgers were cold and they wouldn't heat them up for us and I do not eat cold chese. So they ate the burgers and I got a "pastel de queijo" and so we sat and ate and then my mom decided to get on a ride to keep her promise-she promised my dad before leaving that at the park she would ride at least 3 different things- so we got on these mini plastic boats which fit three people each. We had to go up these really high and steep stairs carrying the boat -which wasn't light in any way- and then we went down this really short but extremely extreme water slide. First it slit down steep and then normal en then really steep again and then totally on its side and then totally on its other side and then it stopped. it was terrible. And, my mom chose precisely that one as her last ride and rode nothing else out of trauma :( . Anyways, everyone but her rode the tublesses one more time each and a different one which had purple tubes We went to the river one more time and then it was time to go because the park closed at 5. It was a fun day. At lest, I had fun. At night our parents went to the movies and we had spaghetti for dinner.
PS: Still missing omi, tata and Spotty like h*ll.

Monday, January 24, 2011


We just got back from Saquarema, where we've been for about a week. There was one computer available, but it wasn't mine to use, and besides, if I could've used it, there still was no internet. So, basically, instead of posting one post per day and changing the dates, I've decided I'm just going to tell you a little about what we did.
The boys had surf lessons for 5 days and they were actually pretty good. We had pizza 3 times in our stay, of which 2 were round and one was square. Yes, square. We also had pasta, Ice cream, and went twice to the "Garota de Itauna" restorant which was very good. One of the times we went, they served us a fish platter with tail, eye-ball and all. The other time we went, we walked home 'round the back across the beach-since our house had a path to the beach- accompanied by a few crabs. We took walks on thebeach almost every night and went to the pool every single day. I got two new bikinis in my stay and also got a pair of earrings and a snoopy canga. In the house there were 2 dogs. I didn't get their names, but one was brown and the other was black.
In Saquarema, there were lizards every night that really freaked me out. Also many snails.
Oh, what was really funny was that every morning, a truck passed our house selling nothing but pineaples. So it was blasting "pineaples!!! pineaples!!!" funny indeed.
The last day we were there, the water went short, yay!! Luckily, it wasn't our problem anymore, because we were leaving, we were leaving and then we left.
So we're back here, my uncle Daniel just flew in from Sao Paulo and we're all here, all 10 of us; My mom, my dad, my brother, Pedro, my uncle Marcio, my ant Isabela, my grandma, my grandpa, my uncle Daniel and me. Sorry Laila, I meant eleven. :)

PS: Still missing omi, tata and Spotty like h*ll. Love you guys and look forward to seeing you on Sunday, yet taking advantage of the time I still have here, because it's not every day I can come.
PSS: I finished my book "The Last Song" 2 days ago in Saquarema and honestly I totally recommend it for women over 12 and I am praying for Nicholas Sparks to hit a dead end and decide to make a The Last Song 2. I am starting Dear John tonight.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thursday-with mommy

Hi!! Ok, so I'm sooo totally psiched cuz my mom's here and have really big news to tell you, but I won't tell you just yet. (...mistery...muahahahahah!!!)ummm...appart from that today I read my book a lot... I'm on page 60 or somthing. I talked to my daddy on skype today and also to my grandparents (they're still learning how to use it).
Today we went to a mall like 40 mins from here without traffic called Downtown at the Barra. We got together with a friend of my mother's that works at a store there. All 4 of us had lunch at burger king but there it was high tech to the luxurious! It had flat screens for menus and the waitresses took your order on this tablet sort of thing and then they gave you a credit card type card that you had to hand in at the counter and they swiped it through this machine that gave them the number of your order and then your order was instantly ready. The problem was that I had to talk to 3 different people just to get a freakin' napkin!! Then it was impossible to find the b-room. Then we left and stoppen for coconut water at the beach. Rafi got all wet and he wasn't even wearing a bathing suit and we had no towels... :S
We came home took a bath, my mom went out and got a new dress, and we had chicken and pastsa for dinner. Then we tryed to play yam but we got tired before finishing the game (actually before starting). That was our day. TTYS.
PS: Still missing my dad, spotty, omi and tata like h*ll.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Oh! Sorry! Did I say yesterday was a do-nothing-day?

Sorry, I was mistaken. Yesterday is a do everything day compared to today. Today it is 5:30 in the afternoon and we're still in our PJ's. We have not gotten outside today because it rained, both our grand parents had to work and my grandma doesn't feel so well. It's been fun though... we played instruments, watched TV, ate, played with the computer and went to the bathroom! :) O well, my moms gonna be here tommorrow afternoon so I'm really happy!! :D
Umm.. well, we had maccaroni for lunch and I'm still reporting to FM-Deborah every once in a while and I've got a few cute videos of Laila struttin' her stuff (if u no wat i mean ;D).
PS: still missing my parents, spotty, omi and tata like h*ll.

Monday, January 10, 2011


2 more days untill my mom gets here, just wanted to let you know. Another new thing is that I, starting today, own a radio station called FM-Deborah-131.3. Haha, what I mean is I'm recording everything we do on my i-pod. Well, everything like touristicky. Is that even a word??
Anyway, today we basically did nothing all day cuz my grandparents had a lot of work to do (they still work, you know) untill 5, which is when we got up and went out (me, my bro and my grandma)
Allert: We interrupt your normal proggramming for a short message we decided to put here because if we don't we'll forget. (i'm blaming lots of people for my bad memory so i don't feel bad about myself, and since these people dont exist, guilt won't be a problem)
Note to self: When you get home, add Fireflies, Unwritten and Make it Shine to your iPod (yes, FYI, I very much like Victorious).
and went to the Praia Vermelha (red bach), more info on FM-Deborah 131.3. bazinga! It was cool, my brother, as usual, sees beach and/or pool water and races in immidiately, and thus he did.
We stayed for a while and then came home, and now my bro's listening to weird gutar hero 80's music on Youtube. We'll be eating soon.
PS: still missing my parents, spotty, omi and tatalike h*ll.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Teresopolis, Brazil

Today, it was very, extremely sunny. So, we took the smart way out, did something different. We went out of town and up the mountain, because with a day like this, the beach would've had more peaple than water. So we went up to Teresopolis, a small town located in the mountains, near the "famous crist". There, there's a pool filled with freezing cold spring water. My granpa and Rafi went there. Technically you're supposed to pay to get in, but if you're older than 65 or younger than 13 you can get in free. Cool, huh?
Meanwhile, me and my grandma went to this really big craft fair (which actually had pretty much only jewelery and clothes) and then we went to the nearby mall (which wasn't a mall persay). I got a shirt, a vest and new PJ's. My grandma got a beach dress.
After we finnished we had lunch at this really good buffet. Then we came home.
Now we're at home preparing to eat pizza and resting after a long day and 2 very long car rides.
PS: still missing my parents, spotty, omi and tata like h*ll.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Today we spent the morning making a blog for my brother ( ). He likes it a lot and I have to admit, I think it looks quite awesome. We had lasagna for lunch and then rested for a while. After that we took a car ride up the mountain, to try to go to the beach at the barra, but apparently the corcovado hill (where the famous crist is) is closed for weekends. Anyways, we ended up going to the Ipanema beach which was squeeky clean but the waves were so hard, it was literaly like a mini tsunami (ok maybe i'm exagerating, but they were very hard). We came home took a shower watched TV for a while and had hod dogs for dinner!!!! Delicious! :T
Now I'm blogging and listening to my brother fantasise about a life as a jedi and talking to a fake yoda "action figure". Must accept the level of funniness.
PS: still missing my parents, spotty, omi and tata like h*ll.

Friday, January 7, 2011


Hello world!
Ok, so today after breakfast we took off to the beach, again. The weather is very similar to yesterday's, but the ocean doesn't seem to agree. The water was strong and black. Black why? Because it was disgustingly full of algea (also known as seaweed), plastic and rocks. Simply gross. So, as you probably imagined by now, I didn't go in the water today, instead, I read my book at shore. Equally good.
When we got to the beach, my grandma realized her bikini top had broken and now wouldn't close. It took me about 10 mins. to close it somehow. Lukilly at the beaches in Brazil, there are always peaple walking around selling the strangest things... so she bought a new bikini and somehow managed to change at the beach. Problem solved.
At the beach we had a popcycle each and 2 baggies of cookies. They were really good. Also, at the beach there was a fat guy with a sunga, the sunga was really small on him and you could totally the his butt line (:$). Even worse for his rep., he was holding a crying 6 year old and everyone thaught she was his hostage.
Well, appart from the beach, we took a shower and had sausages, mashed potatoes, rice, beans, and respective drinks for lunch. It was really good.
In the afternoon me and my grandma went to get our nails done. Mine are purple. My brother went to the paper factory with my grandpa. Then we went to the movies to see meet the fockers 3. After the movies we had dinner at a sandwich restorant called Zack's next to La Mole.
So, yeah, that's my day.
PS: still missing my parents, spotty, omi and tata like h*ll.