
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Last Complete day in Brazil

Today we woke up and put our clothes on for a twin bar-mitzva. The ceremony was BORING! But the party looked like HOLLYWOOD!!! There were pictures, columns, huge cars with a bar in the back, huge plastic electric guitars, a huge desert table, wow! it was AWESOME!!

We got back hom at 5:30 aprox. and rested for a while. Then we went out to little stores to get souvenirs for chile. I´m really sad we have to go but I really miss my daddy and want to go home. Well talk to you tommorrow!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

What I did today

Today I woke up and Pedro had gone to school already. We had breakfast and stayed at home for a while. Then we went to the beach. I got new sunglasses!! It was warm, good waves, but a little bit windy... Then we came home, took a bath and at 3:30 we were ready to go have lunch. I shared a plate of fetuccini alfredo with my grandma. It was great.

Hey I'm going to do surgery (safe) on my fish. I'm probably going to change most of their colors. But it doesn`t matter.
Bye! I'm going to eat pizza!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Today (already lost count)

Today we woke up and my mom was already gone because she had a tfilin ceremony at 7:00 am. Well when she got back we had already had breakfast.n Later we went to a fort and there was this soldier that didn't move unless another soldier past by. My brother took a picture with him, he was like a statue.

We got back home and had lunch. Then we went to the beach. We came back and took a shower. then we waited for Pedro. That'sm pretty much it!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Attention to al viewers!!!

If you scroll down to the bottom of the first page of my blog, you´ll find a really cool surprise!
I have adopted 9 beatiful and hungry fish!
Their names:
5.light grey:Lenny
8:Darker Blue:Marie

What you need to know:
1. The fish follow your mouse if you move it around the tank.
2. Click anywhere in the tank to feed the fish.

Thanks and please feed the fish!


Please answer the poll I posted so I can tell:
How much do you miss me? (1-10)
Thanks, please answer it.

Brazil Day 4

In the morning we woke up, duh, and had a delicious breakfast. After that, my mom, Pedro, Rafi, and I went to the Rio Sul mall. We first went to a store to change some clothes that were small on me. I got in exchange a bigger puppy shirt and a pair of comber shoes. Their GORGEOUS!! After that we went to a store to get Rafi some fancy shoes to go to the bar-mitzva we have this weekend. 1st we went to this store that had tons of fancy clothes like tuxedoes and leather shoes, and the ones that we needed were... R$300.00! Think of it this way: that´s exactly what a fancy buffet dinner for 7 people cost! Well, we decided to go to this other place were we got better ones for R$69.00. After that we went to this video game place and played for a while. Then we went home.

We had lunch and played on our DS´s. Then we went to see Ice Age 3, again. Then we came home and took a bath, and that´s pretty much it.


Monday, August 10, 2009

The rest of the Day

Later we went to the beach. The water was great and the sun was fabulous. It started getting cold and the sun went away. We started walking away.....
AND THE WIND STARTED BLOWING, harder than I had ever seen before. It made your eyes hurt. Coolers, boxes, chairs and leaves nstarted flying every where. The sand looked like the sea and it was really weird.

Well, now we got home and took a bath and that´s pretty much it.

Hey, I discovered something important!
Everyone says thet 1 inch is the same as 2.5 cm.
Well, IT´S A LIE!!!!!!!!!
The truth is that 1 inch is actually 2.6 cm. haha!

Brazil: Day 3

Today Pedro is coming to sleep at our house because his dad is going to Sao Paulo for the day (work). We convinced his dad to let Pedro miss school tommorrow so we can finnally go to the beach. It´ll be awesome (and he´ll be really gratefull to us).

Today my mom went with my grandpa to put up some ads for her work, they´re not back yet. While they were at it, my grandma, Rafi, and I went to see if the Copacabana Fort was open for visits. Since it wasn´t, we took a taxi to the president´s palace. -it was the home of the president when Rio was the capital city of Brazil-. It had a beautiful pond, ducks, ice cream, trees and a huge back-yard. We actually saw a swan cuddle over her eggs under a bush!! Well the museum was closed so we walked along the beach´s edge. We passed besides a bookstore, we almost got in, but, Rafi was burning up, he was tired and couldn´t walk anymore. He was dressed in black shorts and a black T-shirt so it was even worse. We were luckily right in front of the train station so we got on a train and went home.

Since we got home, we watched TV and had a delicious lunch of rice, beans, mashed potatoes, and fried chicken.

I´ll right moree later, right now, that´s all...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

2nd Day in Brazil

Today we had breakfast, and then went to a park. We ate, skated, climbed, and rode this car-ish thing that we had to drive and pedal by ourselves.

Later we had lunch with pedro and tio marcio. We had rice with beans, beef, and pudding.

We stayed at home for a while and then we went to the mall. We bought a pair of silver flowered shoes with a little bit of heels.

We ate at this restorant at the mall called Viena. It had buffet, menu, and rodisio (food comes by the tables and you pick what you want). I shared a plate of pasta with my mom. Rafi and Pedro had pizza rodisio. Well we got home pretty late and Pedro had school tommorrow, so we got home and went to sleep.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

In Brazil

Today we woke up at 4:00 am to get to the airport at 5:00. We were going to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In the airplane, we had lots of fun and the time flew right by. Why?, you ask, because in front of every seat of the plane there was a tiny touch-screen that had games, music, movies, and much more. I watched 2 movies: 17 again and Little Miss Sunshine. I also played 2 games: Crunchy the Snake and Battleship. I also listened to the whole Hannah Montana the Movie CD. It was great! We had breakfast at Dunkin´ Donuts and on the plane. At DD, we had a donut each, and a juice box. On the plane, we had bread & butter, milk, yogurt and an alfajor.

When we got to Rio, we went to this bufet were we ate rice, french fries, meat, salad, and finally, CAKE.

Now we are at my grandparent´s house chilaxin´.

Well unfortunatelym, that´s prety much it for now, TTYL,
-Deborah Elberg

PS: I´m sending a million hugs & kisses to my bff, friends from Chile, and especially....
my daddy, my grandparents, my turtles and my puppy, Spotty, who unfortunatly can´t be here right now, but I miss them all a lot!