
Sunday, March 28, 2010

1st day in Boston

After a suffocating stay at the Santiago airport, we finnally took off to miami. We got to Miami and waited about (wait for it) 6 HOURS in Miami.

It's weird... I thought that in the US people spoke english. In Miami every single person was speaking like a cuban style of spanish. It was awkward because I arrived in the US from Chile (latin america) and we sat down and ate these freezing eggs* on toast and we realized everyone spoke in spanish (except these 2 jamaican dudes that were eating weird wraps) and I was like : "Are you sure were in the states??"

Well anyways, we finnally got on the plain after I burnt my tongue with some very, very, extremely hot tea that we bought form yet MORE spanish-speaking people. I first played on my Nintendo (ds) and voila! it ran out of batteries. Then I read my book which isn't actually mine. I borrowed it from my friend Coni. It's a really good book. I think it's australian. Because it says Melbourne and "mate" all the time. It's called "I lost my mobile at the mall"... Then I got bored of reading and it was time to board the plain. We got in and this guy behind us emmediately began to snore. It was... disturbing, I guess. And in front of us was a tiny baby who wouldn't stop crying. So if this was opposite world... that would've been a class 1 flight.

We got to boston (yes!) and met the whole lechner family at the airport. All of the bags were safe and sound, except mine, that ended uf in Orlando, Florida. Ugh!! Hopefully I'll get it back tomorrow morning.

We went to the mall and had linch at Pappa Gino's and then went to T. J. Max to get me some clothes for the day. I took a shower at my aunt Mery's house who was very happy to see me and her daughter didn't recognize me at all. But, she will...

Then my aunt Ceci and uncle Gustavo got there. They were also happy to see me and luckilly their daughter did recognize me. She gave me a biiiig hug. Later, I went to Keeley's house and we were both reaslly excited to see each other. Although when we sat down to talk, it was weird because we could NOT think of anything interesting to talk about. But it was great seeing her after so long. I'm going to school with her on tuesday!! We're going to spend the whole day together!!

Well, then we got to the Lechners' house and got ready for bed and now here I am, tipedy-tiping away. Well that was my day and here's an aproximate but modyfyable schedule of my stay in Boston.

Monday>In the morning I'm going shopping and at about 6:00 P. M. I have a pesach seder at Goldie's grandparents' house (thanks for the invitation).

Tuesday> On tuesday I will be going to school with Keeley and then I think I'll spend the afternoon at her house and I might sleep over at Goldie's that night.

Wednesday> I'm really not sure but I'm probavly spending the morning with goldie... In the afternoon I might work something out with hannah.
Thursday> Umm, probably spending time with the lechners and all...
Friday> Leaving to Orlando.
As I said, this schedule , mostly from Wednesday and Thursday, I will probably be making some changes.

*On the menu it was written: scrambled eggs on toast. Now when you see that you would normally think that means "hot" too. Well, think again.

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