
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Summer Vacation at Home

 The ant exterminators came today, so, since it's toxic, we sent spotty to a hotel for dogs. Me and my brother, Rafi, went to my grandma's house. A few days ago we saw the movie Bolt. It wasn't that good. Today we saw this movie about a chihuahua which was excellent. I love the idea of friendship between a chihuahua and a german sheopard. Today we washed my mom's car with the hose while the car played Hannah Montana  msic. Then it got dark and my mom was jumping around with us. I love it when my mom is in a good mood. I wished my dad was there too, but he was working after hours, as usual. Sadly there's nothing I cando about it, I wish I could.I wen't to see Dr. Pedro today. My ear's hurting, again. But, just as I thought, it was because of the pool. He almost made wear earplugs for the rest of my life, but he didn't.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

What has Happened

 A few days ago was my dad's birthday, January 16.  Exacly that day, I gotbetter from my cold and all.My mom caught it instead. We saw hotel for Dogs yerterday. It's so sad when they separate the kids. After that we had McDonald's.  Then we went to our grandma's house because there were people seing our house. We're trying to sell it, did I tell you that before? We're trying to get an apartment near school.But when I get the address I promise I'll tell you. Nothing more to say, I guess I'll just talk to you later.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

In and Out

 Now I'm on the plane to Santiago. It was really hard to say goodbye. I'm going to miss them all a lot. My granma, my mom and me cried. But we'll go back to rio in august.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Last day in Rio

 Today is my last day in rio. Today is also my grandparents' aniversary. We went shopping for books and clothes. I got 2 shirts, a book, and a good meal! My grandma only got a meal, which my mom stole. My dad got a good meal too, my mom stole half of it (she was really hungry). Now I'm watching Sky High. I love that movie.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Back to Rio

Now we are in the plane, back to Rio. I don´t remember the flight number... well, everything went by too fast. I´m still sick. I just sneezed. We´re blasting off in 5, 4, 3, 2 .....

Friday, January 9, 2009


Today we woke up at 5:00 AM to go to Maracajaú. There we had breakfast, not a very good one. Then we got on the boat. We went 7 kilometers into the sea. When we stopped, we put on our gear, and went snorkling. We saw tons of fish and coral. It was awesome.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Another Free Day

Today I´m free again! Except I got sick yesterday. awww. I´ve got a runny nose, sore throat, and a belly ake. We did todays aquarobics anyways, to wake up. My mom didn´t let me eat a cheese omelet for breakfast so I was really sad. Poor me!! I watched TV for a while, but later I realized there was nothing good to watch, I got up and went dounstairs. Later I had a delicious lunch at the pool grill. Mmmmm... Now I´m laughing at my brother asking for food at the pool bar!!

Have you ever heard the song:
"This is the life,
hold on tight.
And this is the dream,
it´s all Ineed..."

Well, that´s how I feel right now, this is the life.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Today we went on a buggy trip. The driver was called Manuel. Buggies are specially made to ride on dunes. Dunes are sand formations, huge sand formations. Like mountains, except, made completely out of sand. We passed the whole day with him and the buggy, making some stops. First we went to some dunes that had a place where you could ride camels in the middle of the dunes.Then we crossed the rest of the dunes in that place. Then we went to a really warm lake with millions of tiny little fish swimming arround everyones feet. Then we went to more dunes. Then we went to this huge dune that had an Aero Bunda. That is like a canopy, except you land in the middle of a huge lake. Then we had lunch at a beach restaurant. It was delicious. Then we went to these really cool, huge, soft dunes where I almost fell off the buggy.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

After that...

After having lunch, we went to the pool. My brother, Rafi, threw up the whole buffet. Before the pool, when we were having lunch, my dad gave me a green pepper he had on his plate. Unfortunately, before he gave it to me, it was on top of a really HOT sauce. And since I hadn´t seen it, I ate it! I almost blew up! That was funny.

After taking a shower, we went to a pizza place to have pizza (duh). It was great. I had pineaple juice too. It was also great. But I didn´t have desert. No time. Also, my aunt Isabella gave me a REALLY cute outfit!!

Lunch Plans

We´re having lunch at the grill beside the pool. I pay half a buffet and the boys don´t pay. The adults pay whole price; R$ 35.00.

Activities for Today

11:00 AM Aquarobics
12:00 AM Aquatic Games
1:00 PM Show your Skill
3:00 PM Art
4:00 PM Dance Lessons
5:00 PM Sports

Monday, January 5, 2009

Back from Pipa

It was a long day. Yes, we did see the dolphins. From far away, though. It was so hot out! I almost melted. Haha. But it was fun, the waves were great!!I tried 3 new foods today. 2 that I liked, and 1 that was gross. I liked this thing called macaxeira, or aipim, and the other called cocada. But the tapioca I tried was simply disgusting. Yay!! Tomorrow I am free!! No expeditions or long trips tomorrow. We´re just going to stay in the hotel pool, do dance and arobics class...


Pipa is the beach we are going to today. They say the water is even better than Pirangi (the beach we went to yesterday). They also say it is full of dolphins! The dolphin is my favorite animal. My second favoite is the baby chimp.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

I'm Back

I'm back from the beach and city tour with Gil (the new tour guide).Her real name is Gilvania, but we call ehr Gil (wich is pronounced geeoo). There are tons of weird names here. The ones I've heard so far were: Nildo, Gilvania, Socorro, and Espedito. Here are some things I remember from the city tour. There was this beach that was before, coveres in rocks. Now it isn't. Because of that they call it "Praia Areia Preta" (Black Sand Beach). Oh, and alsothey said, there was a law in Natal, that said that buildindings could have 4 floors maximum. There was also a fort built in the middle of the sea. It's not any fort. It's a real fort. A war fort. But there was so much sun that I didn't see much of it. We also wen't to the beach, as I said before. The water was warm and light turquoise. We jumped over some huge waves and I got a new bikini. Did you know that Natal, which is in Brazil, is closer to Africa than to São Paulo, which is also in Brazil? Natal is just 2800 kilometers from Africa. Cool, huh?


Today we're going to a beach in Natal. We're going on a tour-bus. They say it's really fun out there. I hope I have as much fun as they say I will.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


It's about 10:00 PM. I'm in this huge bed that is all mine and my brother's. My parents' bed is more bouncy than ours. I wanted that one. But, never mind. The pools are so... wow! The big one has music and lights. The smaller one has a bar inside the pool.

In Natal

We are on the bus to the hotel. Tomorrow we're going on a city-tour. Our tour guide's name is Nildo. Haha. After we settle in, we're going to the hotel restaurant. They say the food's really good. It is a 5 star hotel.


Natal is a city in Brazil north of Rio. It is really nice. They say the ocean is as warm as bathtub water. That's where I'm going now. Right now I'm in the plane with my mom, my dad, my brothe Rafi, my cousin Pedro ( we're going to call him Pedro for now because Laura's boy friend isn' here), Pedro's dad (my uncle Marcio), Pedro's mom (my aunt Isabella), my grandpa Kopler, and my grandma Guyta. We're going to take off in 5-10 minutes (the pilot just said so). Correction; we're taking off now. Talk to you later...

Friday, January 2, 2009

Almost Beach Party

Guess what? I was at the beach with my parents, my brother, and Pedrito. A few minutes ago, my mom's old friend, his wife, and his 2 daughters got here. Then, after awhile, Laura and Pedro got here.Now it's a beach party (it would be if there were more sun).

New Year Surprise

New year was huge!! There were tons of fireworks and there were lighten cruises in the water at the beach. Before new year we had a family new year party. Pedro's mom has a sister. Her name is Laura. She has a boyfriend. His name is Pedro. Okay. Now we have 2 Pedros. We're going to call my coisin Pedrito and Laura's boy frieng is just going to be Pedro (so we don't get confused). As I was saying, at the party, Pedro and Laura were discussing why Pedro was wearing pants in all this heat. They didn't reach a conclusion. At the beach, the count down started: 10, 9, 8, 7... And suddenly... Pedro started to jump on one foot. He was taking something out of his sock. It was... a box. He oppened it, and said, with a ring in his hand, -Laura, will you marry me?- Then every one started clapping and screaming. That was so romantic. And that's why he had pants on, to cover the box-in-the-sock! And... at the first firework... they...

Wow, that was cool! No, I need a better word for that... what about...

(that is a mix of romantic+yucky)