
Friday, January 28, 2011

Last Friday in Rio

Today is our last Friday in Rio. My mom had a lunch with her friends and she had to take Rafi to the doctor. So, while my dad stayed at home for a bit, I went with my ant Isabela, my uncly Marcio and Pedro to choose Pedro's glasses' frame. Once we did, they dropped me and my ant off at the mall. We went to exchange a pair of sandals that was small on her, we had pasta for lunch, we went to the bookstore and I got Dear Dumb Diary #7 and we also checked out some backpacks for school. We got back to her house at 4 after a cool cup of ice-cream. I read and surfed the net a little in her room and then played some X-Box until we finaly got to vovo's house for a brinner (brekfast/dinner) with a cousin and an aunt of my mother's.
That was our day,
PS: Still missing omi, tata and Spotty like h*ll.

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