
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Last Wednesday in Rio

Today is our last Wednesday in rio; we leave on Sunday. Today, me, my mom, dad, Pedro and Rafi spent the day at a water park: Rio Water Planet. It was almost a 2 hour drive there and back 2 more. The organization was terrible because first we had to make a line for tickets, ok, normalty. Then, after we entered the park we had to make a line to put real money in a rechargeable water proof card, because we would be getting wet. ok, thaughtful, but the lady couldn't hear us, and we couldn't hear her, because of the useless glass window in between. Then the lady didn't get that my mom didn't have a CPF (brazilian form of identification) because only residents have that, and as you know, we don't live here. Then we had to line up in the locker room to slide our water proof card so we could line up to get our key to our locker; a line for a line for a locker, more time wasted. Then we finnally had a little freedom in this place so we went to the "Slow River" -it was called. We sat on donut shaped floaties (are they called tubes??) and floated along the river for a little while. Then, when we got out we went on two "tubeless" water slides and then to a waterslide where you went down in two-people-tubes and it was extremely cool. We went down twice in the whole day the first time it was me and my dad and on he other rafi and pedro and my mom waited for us at the bottom and the 2nd time it was me and rafi and my dad with pedro my mom also didn't come, but my mom did go on the slow river. Then we had a pizza, still having to pay with the card and a few sodas, and then we went in the river again to see if we could find anything else to eat. We ended up going to the wave-pool but I got really dizzy, so we didn't stay long. After the pool we went to a burger stand but the burgers were cold and they wouldn't heat them up for us and I do not eat cold chese. So they ate the burgers and I got a "pastel de queijo" and so we sat and ate and then my mom decided to get on a ride to keep her promise-she promised my dad before leaving that at the park she would ride at least 3 different things- so we got on these mini plastic boats which fit three people each. We had to go up these really high and steep stairs carrying the boat -which wasn't light in any way- and then we went down this really short but extremely extreme water slide. First it slit down steep and then normal en then really steep again and then totally on its side and then totally on its other side and then it stopped. it was terrible. And, my mom chose precisely that one as her last ride and rode nothing else out of trauma :( . Anyways, everyone but her rode the tublesses one more time each and a different one which had purple tubes We went to the river one more time and then it was time to go because the park closed at 5. It was a fun day. At lest, I had fun. At night our parents went to the movies and we had spaghetti for dinner.
PS: Still missing omi, tata and Spotty like h*ll.

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